UPS-FARMS LIMITED was incorporated as a Private Liability Company on 18th July, 2004 to carry on the business of farming which includes the production of agricultural produce such as fruits, crops and also engage in the breeding of animals and poultry as well as wholesale and retail sales of eggs, broilers and layers. The company has helped the Government to reduce the unemployment rate in the State by providing employment opportunities for the people of the State in the company.
UPS-FARMS also engages in raising of healthy broilers as well as layers in a highly hygienic environment. The company also engages in hatchery operation and also carries on the production of feeds through its state of the art mill for farmers within and outside the locality. Our production capacity; e.g. not less than 10,000 broilers per month, 10,000 crates of table eggs per week.
The numerous ranges of products include:
Chicken (broilers and layers)
Pigs (including boars, sows, growers and weaners)
Processed chicken and beef (coming soon)
Animal feeds.